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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

Church of England Section CG

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried. Cornelian Bay Search

A D H Cont M Cont S Cont
Aandahl Gunner Davis Bruce Collis Holmes William Andrew Merchant Kathleen Eileen Swan Mabel Mary
Aandahl Olive Davis Lilian May Hope Francis James Merchant Percy John Sward Denzil Harold
Abbott Charlotte Elsie Delaney Alice Lillian Hope William Stephen Middap Elizabeth W Sward Louis Harold
Abery Amelia Delaney C V Houstein Gustav Mihans Doris Francis Sweeney James Robert
Abery Walter Delaney Claude Victor Houstein Louisa Emily Milne Eva Grace  
Aitchison Clarence James Denny Bridget Howell-Melford Edward Frederick Milne James Frederick T
Aitchison Edith May Denny Charles Howell-Melford Lillian Amelia Minchin Alan Henry Tapp Ernest Collendyne
Anderson Gustav Adolph Devine Katherine Anne Hunt Robert Elih Minchin Emily Vera Tapp Grace Maud
Anderson Mabel Dixon Olive Maud Hurburgh Blanche Genevieve Minett Andrew Charles Tatnell Leslie
Andrews Freida Beryl Donnelly Allan Roy Hurd Esther Ruby Moore Arthur Dawson William Tatnell Tasma May
Appleton George Henry Donnelly Annie Hurd Geoffrey Neil Moore Dorothy Isabel Taylor Louise Gertrude
Appleton Jack Dowsing Bertha Mary Hurd John Eli Morrisby E A Terry Bessie
Avers Ruby Dowsing William Earnest Hyatt Allan Raymond Morrisby Jennie Terry Cadesden
Avers William Walter Drew James Henry Hydatia Elvie Muckridge William Thompson Clara Rose
  Drew Mary Ann   Murphy Phillip Frederick Thompson Elsie Eileen
B   J   Thompson John Charles
Bannister Ada Louise E Johnson Myrtle May N Thompson Peter Gerald
Bannister S Eaton Stella May Johnson Robert Henry Neate Edwin Ambrose Thomson H M
Bannister Samuel Eaton William Leslie Jones Agnes Florence Neate May Annie Thornton Nellie May
Barker Henry David Eaves Bessie Mary Jones Alice Victoria Neave Beatrice Purthynia Enerita Thorton Walter Joseph
Barker Mabel Irene Eaves George Joseph Jones Doris May Joan Neave Thomas George William Tibballs Malcolm
Barwick Lavinia Bertha Eddington Winifred Squire Jones Henry William Bert New James William Tibballs Millicent
Barwick Leslie Edhouse Helen Patricia Jones John New Rita Maud Travers Clare
Baxter Gordon Lenard Edhouse Lilian Maud Jones Laurence Russell Nitschke A J B Travers William Henry
Beattie Kay Winsome Eiszele Alfred Francis Jordan Ida Myrtle Nunn William Vincent Triffett A M
Belcher Ella Elliott Mary May Jordan Thomas James   Triffett Victor
Belcher Percy Charles Elliott Milfred   O Triffitt Charles William
Bellette Elizabeth Ann Emmett Alice Myra K Oakley Jean Triffitt Helen Mary
Bellette Harold Gilbert Emmett Stanley Gordon Kaniaros Maria Oates Beverley Anne Troman Fred H
Bennett Coral Evans Agnes Jessie Kent George O'Donnell Amy Eileen Tsakirakis Konstantinos
Bennett Dorothy Kate Evans John Arthur Kettlewell Alice Ann Osbourne A E Tsakirakis Victoria
Bennett Thomas Arthur Evans Thomas William King R W Osbourne Percy John Turner Audrey Ann
Berry Mabel Josephine   Kirwam Edmund John   Turner Ellen Evelyn
Bird Albert F Kirwan Rubina Clytis P Turner Henry Thomas Walter
Bird Anna Fahey Joseph Knott Alice T Papst Acripena Tyler E A
Bishop Alice Pretoria Fairbairn John Andrew Knott Charles S Papst Anton  
Bishop Joseph Henry Faulds Florence Isabel Knott Sydney Charles Parsey A E U
Blegg Eva Irene Fellows Thora Kringle Ethel Parsey Susan Hilda May Underwood Mabel Ellen Topsee
Blegg John Malcolm Fisher Laura May Kringle William John Pearce Vera Ivy Underwood Thomas John
Bradshaw Mildred Rose Fitzgerald Sylvia Coralie   Plummer Olga Phyllis Unknown
Bradshaw Reginald Arthur Flakemore Michael John L Plummer Sidney John Unknown 2
Bratt Eileen May Fleming Barbara Kay Lawler C E Pouliot Frank Unknown 4
Bratt John Richard Foster Ellen Lawler Lola Alice Elaine Pregnall Lenna Lois  
Brazendale Betty Rose Foster William Lewis Edward Ashby Pregnell Dorothy Elsie V
Brazendale Laurence Fox Ruby Catherine Lewis Emmeline Rosetta Price Stan William Vince Pat
Brazendale William James FP Lewis Mary Ann Prior Elaine June  
Brocklehurst James C E Free Alma Bertha Lockley Horace George Proctor Ruby Florence W
Brocklehurst Winefred A C Free Eric Frederick Lockley Jean Gloria   Waller Benjamin
Buller James Darcey Fulton Eva Maria Long Florence Gertrude May R Waller Sarah Vena
Buller Louie Barclay Fulton Joseph L Long Henry David Rainbird Clarence Sydney Claud Walsh Emma Jane
Buller Vincent Fyle Myrtle Alice May Lovell Kathleen Thelma Rainbird Kathleen Mary Walsh William Vincent
Bumford C G Fyle William Mark Lowe Alice Ransley Samuel C Ward Alice Maud
Bumford Evelyn Jane   Lowe John Russell Rayner George Halyer Ward Leslie William
Burgess William Henry G Lowery Annie Margaret Rayner Ida Florence Webb Henry Eric
Burles Nigel Leonard Gangell A J W Lowery Charles E Reid Beryl Adney Weedon Hilda Irene
Burnley Kate Garland Freda Angie Ludbey Charles Reid Edwin Arthur Weedon Raymond Arthur
Burrows Norman Garland James Albert Ludbey Essie May Reynolds W A Weily Florence Gertrude
Burt Alfred E H Garth Albert Reginald Ludbey Zona Esme Rich Phillip Weily George James
Butters V Gath Leonard Lumsden Nellie May Rich Ruth Weily Jimmy
Butwain Alexandria Amelia Gath Marjorie Alison Lumsden William James Riley Arthur Vivian Weston Rupert Jack
Bygrave Lily Maude Geard Jessie   Robertson Basil Derwent Whitney Amy
  Geard Todd M Robertson Gerald Edwin Whitney Thomas Edward
C Glover Pauline Dagmar MacDonald Alice Maria Rodd Herbert William Whitton Lucy Irene
Calvert Alan Christopher Goodman H L MacDonald Donald William Rogers Elvie Vera Whitton Sinclair Henry
Calvert Isobel Rosina Goodrick Keith Henry MacDonald Isabelle Rogers Harold Schofield Wignall Stanley Ernest
Campbell Amy Goodrick Philip Keith Males Arthur Rolph Frederick James Wignall Stella May
Carr Lillian Katherine Goong Peter Quan Males Rose Jean Rolph Mabel Grace Williams Cecil John
Carr Raymond Percival Gourlay Elwyn Annette Martyn Eric Thomas Rowell Mildred May Williams Elsie Violet
Caulfield Alice Eva Gribble Naomi Mason Catherine Rowell Richard Williams Harold Gordon
Caulfield James Guy Charles Mason Charles J Rowell Richard William Williams Ivy Anne
Chaffer John Leon Guy Dorothy Ethel Mason Esther Kathleen   Williams Sadie Evelyn
Cheeseman Claude   Mason Hugh Bower S Wolfe Ernest
Cheeseman Ethel Alma H Mazey Robert Andrew Scott Eileen Florence Wolfe Rose Dorothea
Christie Edward Hale Clara Charlotte Mazey Vera Doris Scott Judith Anne Woolley Elizabeth
Christie Norton Hale Frederick Jack McDermott Clarice Ruby Scott Maurice Herbert Worsley Reginald Vere
Christie Okiel Hamilton Allan McGuire Daisy Muriel Skabo Worsley Uriel Jean
Churchill Alice Louisa Hardinge Eileen McGuire Sydney Victor Sly John William Worsley William Thomas
Cleary Andrew Joseph Hardinge Norman McHenry Ida Annie Smith J Wright Joyce Eva
Cleary Beryl May Harmon Isabel Margaret McHenry Richard John Thomas Smith Jack Wright Trevor
Collins Charlotte Anne Harrington Joseph John McKinnon-Jones Amelia Smith Linda May Wyatt Ivy Amy
Collins John Lawrence Peter  Harris Clifford Ralph McKinnon-Jones Patrick Michael Spicer Clara Constance Wyatt Lance John
Collins Keith Harris Linda Belle McLoughlin Edward Spicer Mervyn John  
Collins Sylvia Phyllis Hart Gladys Winifred McLoughlin Lilian Ivy Spong Dagmar Leslie Y
Conley Herbert Cecil Harvey Helen Mary McMaster Winifred Dora Spong Harold William Young Frances Edna
Cook Annie May Harvey Hilza Mary McMaster Winson Thomas Spong Lionel Young Mabel Hurburgh
Cook E A Harvey Lorimer Escott McPherson Alice Spooner Amy E  
Copcutt A A Hayden Joseph Leonard Thomas McPherson Archibald Alfred Spooner Herbert Edward Z
Cotton Lillian Eva Hayden Madge Margaret McPherson John Edwin Stanfield Eva Aileen Zantuck Geoffrey James
Cowley Gleniris Hayes Elsie Irene McPherson William Edward Stewart Leslie  
Cowley Janet Hayes Reginald Banks McQueeney Evelyn Maud Sutcliffe C E  
Cowley Phillip John Hewitt Edith Eldridge McQueeney Gladys Sutcliffe Eileen Doris  
Cowley Sydney George Phillip Hickman Thelma Jean McQueeney Maurice Charles Sutcliffe Isabella Mary  
Curry Irene Maud Hobden John Charles McQueeney Syd Sutcliffe Roy  
    Mead Charles Thomas    
    Mead Mary Elizabeth Swan Cornelius H  

Thank you to David Griffin who has identified an unknown grave as his grandmothers Louise Gertrude Taylor 


Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania