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Thankyou from Gravesites of Tasmania in advance.

Church of England Section LL

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.Cornelian Bay Search

Alexander John Eastwood Emma Augusta Ibbott Mervin Arthur Olsen Marcus Thompson Albert Augustus
Allison Eliza Jane Eastwood John William     Thompson Colin
Allison Francis Thomas Edwards Elizabeth J P Thompson Howard
Anderson Andrew Theodore Edwards William Jacobs B H Paterson David Thompson Ivy Elizabeth
Armitage Alfred Edwards William2 Jeffrey Leslie William Paterson Ida Tibballs Blanche
Armitage Emily May Ellis Alfred Charles Jeffrey Paul Roach Pearce Jean Ismay Triffett Tasman Gordon
Arnold Trevor Everett Charles Henry Jenkins Pitt Ruby Winifred  
    Johns Catherine Polley Winifred Edna May U
B F Johnson Allan Pope Ann L Unknown
Bailey Francis William Farley Albert Malcolm David Johnson Gwenllean Porter Herbert Leslie Unknown1
Bailey Mary Jane Farley Mary Anne Johnson Pixie Arden Pott Alfred John Unknown2
Baker Albert Farnfield Harold Herbert Jones David Pott Catherine Unknown4
Baker Elizabeth Flassman Robert George James Jones Elizabeth Ada Powell Florence Mary A Unknown5
Barnes Fanny Catherine Fogarty Catherine Ellen Jones Ellen Powell Gordon Thomas Unknown6
Barratt Maud Elizabeth Fogarty Charles Frederick Jordan C Powell William James Unknown7
Barratt Richard William Francis Joseph Joseph Garrett G Probatt Flora Jane Unknown Joseph E
Bellette Clifton Newitt Francis Rosina Joseph William Thomas Probatt Frederick Henry  
Bellette Daphne Free Reginald William   Pross F W W
Bellette James Freeman Ellen K Pross Fred Wakefield Violet Pearl
Bird George Henry Freeman Lucy Kemp Albert Edward Pross I E Ward Isabell
Bird Isabel Mary Freeman William George Kemp Ethel May Florence Pross Ida Webster Mary Ann
Blackwood H W   Kent George Punshon Grace Whatmore John Pitt
Blake Edith Audrey G Kent Mary Pyke Corrie Wilkins Alfred T
Brown Bridget Mary Ann Gearing Annie King Annie   Williams Alfred Cornelius
Brown Elsie Livinia Gearing George Daniel King Walter Henry Q Williams Annie Hilda
Brown Kathleen Gill Frederick George   Quin William M S Williams Charles Edward
Brown Richard Gorringe Florence E L   Williams Daisy Isabel
Brown William James Faton Gould Ida Emily Latham Rose Ellen R Williams Edward Henry
Bryant Joseph Henry Gould John Latham William Edward Richardson Albert Williams Eulalie Esme
Button Edward Clement Graham John Marshall Lavell Mabel Winifred Richardson Harold Henry Williams Frederick
Button Elsie Agnes May Grant Christopher William Lavell William Anthony Richardson Lucy Williams Lillias Anne
  Grant Douglas William Lipscombe G M Richardson Thelma Violet Williams Lionel Roy
C Grant Matilda Lovett Olive Elizabeth Ridgers L Williams Mary Elizabeth
Cantrell Cornelius Andrew Grant Myrena   Riley Albert Henry Williams Ronald Keith
Carrick Amelia Ann Green Alex M Riley Margaret Wood Henry William
Carrick John Edwin Green Blanche Russell Marcombe Robina Risby Sarah Jane Wood Thomas J
Churchill George Henry Green Edwin Marksby Ellen Louisa Roland Thomas Adolph Woodham Mary
Coles Henry Louis Grice Henry Albert Marshall Frank Newman Roland Vera May Woodham William Richard
Coles John Lewis Grice Myrtle Victoria Martin Albert Ronald Hesse Woodruff Albert
Coles John Lewis2 Gunn Henry William Martin Samuel John Rowlands John T Woods Doris
Coles Pauline May   McCallum Edwin Clarence Rowlands William Evan Woods Simon
Colles Henry Charles H Mcfarlane Jane    
Cook Charles Haigh Elizabeth Ann Mcguiness Cecil Owen S  
Costello Henry Charles Hallett Francis Harriett McKay Albert Raymond Sanders Morton  
Costelloe Frances Annie Hamer William McKay Emily Sellers Joseph  
  Hamton Beatrice Jean McKay Trevor D J Sellers Myrtle Kathleen  
D Harley Blanche Isabel McLaren Fredericka Amy Smith Doris  
Davey Thomas Henry Hart David Henry Monks William James Lesley Smith Emma  
Daw Emma R Hart Frances Livina Moore Eliza Smith Robert  
  Hill Joseph Moore Stephen Sparks George Thomas  
Daw Isaac Charles Holmes Sarah Morley Alfred Reginald Spaulding Alice Maud  
Denehey Alice Florence Hooper Maybell   Speed Carleen May  
Devine Louisa Hughes William E N Speed Margaret Jane  
Devine Percy Fredrick Hyland Adeline Amy New Robert Stewart Theresa  
Dinham Mary Hyland Eliza New Ronald Keith Strange Meta Annie  
  Hyland Henry George New William J Strutt William James  
  Hyland Kenneth Newman Mabel Adelaide Suckling Athol David  
    Nicholsom Emily May Suckling Lulu Constance  
    Nicholson Thomas Alexander Swan  
    Nightingale Joseph Sykes Edith Marie  

Unmarked Graves

BYGRAVE.-On July 6, 1934, at his residence, Huon Road, George, dearly beloved husband of Lily Bygrave, in his 71st year, leaving a large family to mourn their sad loss.

BYGRAVES.-Funeral of the late Mr. George Bygraves, of Turnip Fields,Huon Road, will move from the Funeral Parlour of the undersigned on Monday (This Day), at 10.30 a.m., arriving at Cornelian Bay Cemetery at 10.50 a.m. H. C. MILLINGTON PTY. LTD., Funeral Directors. H. J. HOOPER, Manager. 200 Liverpool Street. Phone 5445. Cornelian Bay Cem, Tas... CoE LL 47 


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