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Church of England Section V

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.Cornelian Bay Search

Adams Arthur John Dalgleish C Horton Eliza O'Byrne Rose Ann Stoessicer Ernest
Adams Joseph William Davas Richard J Hosking Annie Mary   Strickland Evans LLyod
Allwood Lillie Eliza Davie Annie May Hosking John Thomas P Strickland Lionel Victor
Anderson Ireieen Davie Charles Hulbert Minnie Eliza Partridge Letitia Frances Strickland Victor
Anderson Nathaniel D Derrick Joseph Samuel Hulbert William Charles Partridge Walter William  
Andrews Walter Thomas Derrick Mary   Patterson Donald T
Ayers Jack Derrick William James I Pearce Ellen Tayler Frederick John
Ayers Lucy Dixon Jane Innis Percival William Pearse Edith Alison Tayler James Edgecombe
Ayers Victor Downing Charles Ernest Ireland Edward R L Peden Emily Thomas Eva May
Ayling Frederick Drakis Mary Ann Ireland Elizabeth Jane Peden Joyce Alice Thomas William Evan
  Drakis William Henry Ireland Emma Peden Marian Thompson William Berkely
B Duggan James A Ireland Richard Edward Peirman John Thorne George
Baby Dyson Robert V6 Ireland Richard George Pelham Annie Amelia Thorne Mary
Bailey Albert Victor Dyson William Daniel V6   Pelham David Toan Francis Warren
Baily Mary   J Pelham Frederick Henry Townsend Alice Margaret
Baker Luke E Jeffrey Helen Perkins Albert Townsend Clarice
Baker Mary Ann Easton Eric Johnson Minnie B Maud Dorothy Perkins Alfred Townsend Dorothy
Barlow Mary Howarth Ellis Dora V262 Johnstone Jane Elizabeth Walker Perkins Amelia Townsend William
Barton Samuel Ellis Ellen Jane V125 Jones Susan Ellen V569 Perry Alfred Robert Tarron Townsend William George
Bates John Ellis Robert John V125 Joyce William Robert Phillips Henry A Tully Michael John
Bell John Edward England Sarah Ann   Phillips Margaret  
Bell Milford Henry Evorall Sydney J Dominco K Phillips Mary Helen U
Beltz Mildred Sylvia Evorall Veronica Joy Fay King Ethel May Pipkin Charles Unknown 1
Beltz Sarah Ann   King Mary Ann Pipkin Edward Unknown 2
Berry Alfred Herbert F Kohl Charles William Pipkin Henry Unknown 3
Blackburn Simeon Fenner Alfreda May Kohl William Porthouse Eliza Unknown 4
Boultbee Emmely Frances Fenner Betty   Porthouse John Unknown 5
Bowden M Figg Aldinca Albert L Poultney Nellie Unknown 6
Boys Minnie Figg Margaret Martha Lacey William Pretty Elizabeth Unknown 7
Boys Thomas Henry Filler Phyllis Doreen Latham Alexander   Unknown 8
Broughton Violet May Flack Bertram Cecil Leary Daniel R Unknown 9
Brown Thomas Fleming John George Ledwell Albert Ratcliffe Amy Louise Unknown 10
Bullock Isaac Ford James Thomas Ledwell Eleanor Maud Ratcliffe James Unknown Albert
Bullock Mary Ann Rebecca   Legge Julia Redpath Ann Unknown Charles
Burnley Hilda Winifred G Little Amelia Hannah Reeves E R Unknown Dollie
Burnley Jane R Gilbert Charles Henry Little Herbert Reid Agnes Unknown Elsie
Burnley Jane Rebecca Gilbert Charles Henry 1 LLewellyn R Reid Mervyn Unknown Gladys Vera
Burris G T Gilbert Rebecca Luttrell N A Reid Violet Unknown Rheuben
Butler Charles Henry Gilbert William Ernest Luttrell Frederick William Rodgers Ermina Louisa Unknown Sarah
Butler Harold V C Gill Luke   Rolls Doris Unknown Violet Jane
Butterworth Ada Georgina Glover Jack Vivian M Russell Avicetella Unknown William
Butterworth John Goddard Lewis George Mancey Charles Thomas Russell David  
  Golding Alfred March Kathleen Eileen May Russell Donald W
C Gorringe Charles Francis Marsh Louisa Russell Ermina Sarah Sims Walker Elizabeth L J
Carter Maria Gorringe Frederick Robert McCallum Agnes Mary Russell George Byworth Walker James Brown
Cartledge J Guest Bernice McCallum James Russell Harold Wallner John George
Chadwick Beatrice Guest George McCallum Lavinia Russell Olive Minnie Wallner Winfred Ellen
Chadwick Henry August Guest Teddie McKean Ella Rose Russell William Frederick Ward Emily Unknown
Chadwick Roy Henry   McKean Herbert   Waters Florence Alberta May
Charlton John H McKean Mary Jane S Watson Alfred Edward
Charlton Lily Maud Hall Edwin Howard McKean Thomas Henry Saggers Arthur 1 Watson Florence May
Clark R C B Hall Ellen Mary McLagan Amelia Saggers Arthur W Watson William
Cook Ellen Keturah Hall Harriett McLagan Christina Saggers Eileen Webster Arthur
Cook George Henry Hall James Barter McLaren Emily Saggers Harriet Rosina Webster Lilian
Cooper Antionette Beddome Hall John McLaren Hugh Saggers Trevor George West Eileen Daisy
Cooper George Hall John Edward McVilly Richard Scotney Thurza White Charlotte
Cooper Gladys Hall Martha McVilly Richard W H Scotney William Whittaker Elizabeth
Cooper Jane Hall Mary Ann Meredith Elizabeth Palmer Sculthorpe Benjamin James Whittaker Joseph
Corbett James Hall Olive Mary Milburn Henry Perry Sculthorpe John Ramsell Wickins Eugene William
Corfield Alfred Hall Sarah Jane Milburn Sarah Sellers Emma Jane Wickins Tabitha
Corfield Rosina Hanley Elizabeth Mills Helen Sellers James Wilkinson James
Cowland John Hanson Charles Peter Mills William Siggins Elizabeth Wilkinson Jane
Cox John Stanley Hanson Fanny Montressor George C Siggins John Williams Albert E
Cox Rebecca Harris John Walter Morgan Flossie May Simpson William Williams Arthur
Cox Robert Harris Leslie Robert Mullins Patrick Smith Beryl L Williams Edward
Cox Robert Leonard Harris William Bradley Oberlin Mullins Susan Smith George Williams Mary A
Crockett Ellen Harrold Ellen Theresa Murray John Smith James Brett Williams Mary Ann
Crockett William Harrold Henry Murray Mary Smith Leslie James Williams Mary Ann 1
Curle Alberta Louisa Heffernan Frederick H Murray Richard Smith Mary Williams Roy
Curle Dorothy Vera Heffernan George James   Smith Mary V Williams William
Curle Ernest John Heffernan Laura N Stamford Ellen Helovia Winter F
  Heffernan Maud Rose I Newton Amelia Florence Stevens Doris Wooby Thomas
  Heron Arthur Noble Clara Emma Stevenson James Lindsay Woodward George Todd
  Heron Rosina Noble Samuel Henry Stillwell Benjamin Woodward Georgina
  Hill Alice Nokes Alice Ann Stillwell Clara  
  Hill Dorothy      
  Hill Mary Jane      
  Holmes Albert E      
  Holt Alfred      
  Holt Jane      




Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearance and the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania