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Inside Derwent Chapel


To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried. Cornelian Bay Search










Abbott Percival Charles Daniels Walter Richard Hall Louis Albert Manton Frances May Parker Mona
Allan Stella May Davidson Arthur Wallace Herington John Mather G Eric Parker Una Nora May
Allwright Sydney Harry Llewellyn Davis Capel Downing Hines Juna Mather Thelma Doris  
  Davis May Ethel Hudson Isobel Jane McLagan Jean Maud R
B Dean Robert William Hudson James Owen McLagen Jean Maud Reynolds Leslie Charles
Batten Doris Edith Doddridge Wallace James Hudson Peter McInnes McNeice Arthur Ian Roberts John
Batten Herbert Leonard     McNeice Arthur John Roberts Julia E
Beauchamp Frederick William F J McNeice Bertha Marion  
Beauchamp Mary Winifred Fell Walter Jones William Henry Menadue Archie S
Bennett Louisa Forwood Edward William   Menadue Eva Millvane Scritchley Gertrude
Bennett Thomas   K Michel Emmie Scritchley Mary Emma
Bickford Effie Mary Franklin G Kenna Lola E L Morgan Bessie May Slater Harold William
Bradley Grattan Gaff Priscilla Koolykoff Mary Ann Mudge Henry Alfred Ernest Streeter Ebenezer
Burleigh Amelia Gaff William   Mudge Nellia Cecilia  
Burleigh William Henry Golding Arthur John L Murdoch Robert John T
Butterworth Kathleen Mary Golding Daphne Lisbey Arthur Murdoch Thomas Tremayne Olive Gertrude
  Gorringe Alma Cecelia Lisbey Kathleen Murphy Irene Martha Tremayne William Cameron
C Gorringe Trevor Lucas Claude Merlin    
Carpenter Leslie Frederick Gorringe Wellington George Lucas Myra Emily N V
Carver Susan Jane   Ludbey Lillian Doris Nicholas Diana Vernon Verrier Lillian Florence
Cole Anthony        
Cole Bridget Annie     O W
Combe Walter Louie     Owens Elvie Olga Walker David
Croft George William     Owens Raymond H Walker Hilda Mary
Crozier Leslie John       Watson Myra
        Watson Richard Stanley
        Williams David John





Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania