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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried. Cornelian Bay Search

Derwent Gardens Outer Walls & Beds

Garden Bed BB4

Anderson Geoffrey Ferris BB4 Burles Elizabeth Ann BB4 Hill Allan Lindsay BB4 Mills Kenneth Charles BB4 Silver Monica Maria BB4
Anderson Margaret BB4 Clark William Arthur Matthew BB4 Hill Margaret Francis BB4 Moore Alda Daphne BB4 Tabart Marguerite Nancy BB4
Atkins Muriel BB4 Clydesdale Charles Robert BB4 Holmes Kelvin Geoffrey BB4 Moore Cristy Anne BB4 Tabart Ronald Edward BB4
Avery Joyce Unice BB4 Dodds Alfred Edward BB4 Johnston Helen Anne BB4 Moore Stephen Clarence BB4 Tacey Pansy BB4
Avery Keith Henry BB4 Fitzgerald Fergus George BB4 Joyner Cedric Vaughan BB4 Nunn Clement John BB4 Tacey Walter BB4
Baird George BB4 Fooks Reginald Murray BB4 Joyner Joan Constance BB4 Nunn Irene Rose BB4 Theilhaber Wilhelmine BB4
Baird Joan BB4 Foster Maxine BB4 Kirkup Arthur Julian BB4 O'Brien Lawrence James BB4 Thompson Aileen Isobel BB4
Bell Doris May BB4 Gould Fred Alan BB4 Kirkup Kathleen Winifred BB4 O'Brien Leonard Charles BB4 Webb Doris Elizabeth BB4
Benbow Charles Arthur BB4 Gould Margaret Eileen BB4 Krzywak Kreszenz Fransiska BB4 Oldham Ellen Amelia BB4 Webb John Miles BB4
Benbow Ralda Fraulen BB4 Grainger BB4 Krzywak Michael BB4 Oldham John Chatfield BB4 Webb Lee John BB4
Bethune Lady Alexandra Perronet BB4 Grant John Hudson BB4 Lane Annie Rose BB4 Pokorny Martha BB4 Westlake Ivy Lee BB4
Bethune Sir Angus BB4 Griffith Athol Lewin BB4 Lane William Cameron BB4 Robertson Colin Alfred BB4 Whitton Darcy Tasman BB4
Bond Mary Margaret BB4 Griffith Jessis May BB4 Lucas Andera June BB4 Robertson Ida BB4 Whitton Josephine Alma BB4
Bond Neil Alastair BB4 Hanlon Beryl Margaret Susan BB4 Lucas Rodney John BB4 Rossendell Henry Francis BB4 Williams Dorothy O BB4
Brown Georgina BB4 Hanlon Eric Charles BB4 Marsh James BB4 Saunders Brent Douglas BB4 Williams Heather Maureen BB4
Brown May Alexandra BB4 Hansen Aage BB4 Mihalenko John BB4 Seliga Martha BB4 Williams Hugh BB4
Brundle Margaret BB4 Harriss Algie Edward BB4 Millhouse Frances Edna BB4 Shawe Charles Fleetwood B BB4 Williams Lester BB4
Brundle Robert A J BB4 Hay Vivie Barnicoat BB4 Millhouse John BB4 Shawe Clarissa C A BB4 Wilson Nicole Mae BB4
      Silver Ernest Edward BB4 Wright Douglas Eric BB4
        Wright Olive Lily BB4




Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania