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If you could spare a few dollars to help with the running costs of this website would be very much appreciated.

Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried. Cornelian Bay Search

Outer Derwent Gardens Niche Wall  24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
A   Hallam Hallam Trevillian Trevillian Ackroyd Longey Richardson Midgley Mann Horne Leppard Sandford Earley
B Ruthven Ryland Floyd Jamieson     Westwood   Richardson Mann Horne Archer Mackey Ayers
C Ruthven Ryland Eddington Jamieson Jamieson Williams Payne Payne Payne Henderson Anthony Vandersluys Morey Hawley
D Chappell Davidson Eddington Young Young   Maley Fulton Robertson   Anthony Scurrah Corlett Corlett
E Mackey Hay Watson Killingback Fort Pearsall Medbury Tomlinson Haigh Marshall Hunn   Wisby Smith
F House Moore Watson Killingback Fort   Pearce   Haigh   Hurd  Cutcliffe Atkins Crane
G   Moore Rae Docking White Britten Pearce Omant Pacey Goudie Wise Cutcliffe Butler Monks
H Flanagan Green Rae Docking White Britten Mason   Hill Goudie Wise Jennings Atkins Torpy
I Fisher Haynes Brown Fowler Flack Abel Mason Keane Whitney Lyne Varcin Olney Hurd  Bostock





Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania