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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

Catholic Section BB

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons Website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.

Adlard Agnes Frances BB145 Donoghue Elsie Ruby Myrtle BB265A Holebrook BB275 O'Dwyer Neville BB75 Santi D L BB143
Adlard William G BB145 Donoghue Percy BB265A Huxtable Agnes Theresa BB199B O'Shea Mary Ann BB185 Saunders Mary Bridget BB12
Ayers Frederick Harrold BB101 Duffy Minnie Marie BB258 Huxtable Francis Edward BB189   Sinclair Leonard John BB150
Ayers Harriett R A BB101 Duggan Mary Louisa BB136   P Smith Elizabeth BB299
Aylward Victor Phillip BB64   J Palmer Eva J BB31 Smith Percival William BB123
  E Jones J R BB30A Palmer Walter BB31 Smith Thomas Walter BB123
B Eaton Noel BB148   Parkin Iris Margaret BB170 Stacey Margaret Teresa BB215
Bateman Alfred Ernest BB20 Eaton Pearl BB148 K Pearce Florence Bertha BB170 Stanton Ruby Florence BB78A
Bateman Lena BB20 Elkin Doris Rita BB308 Kelly Walter V BB157 Pearce Mathew Frederick BB170 Strange Greame BB14
Beckwith Bridget Mary BB257 Evans Gwen BB132 Kennedy Joseph BB224A Pearce Matthew Fredrick F46 BB170 Strange Horace John BB14
Beech John BB13   Kennedy Violet Angelina BB224A Pervis Ellen BB169 Sullivan John Edward BB293
Beech Mary BB13 F Keogh James Daniel BB67 Phillips Albert James BB173A  
Benson Linda Mary BB10 Finch William Daniel BB120 Kerrison Roy BB289 Phillips Emily Frances BB173A T
Benson Richard Henry BB10 Fitzgerald Emmett BB141 Kilduff F P BB11 Pierpoint Amy BB14 Ticknell James Robert BB197
Broughton John Fletcher BB38 Fullard Charles BB239 Kingsley Katherine Mary Josephine BB142 Pott Raymond John BB204 Turner Ellen BB181
Broughton John Wilfred BB38 Fulton Mary Ellen BB187   Pritchard Mary Jane BB94  
Browne Dad BB54   L   U
Browne Elizabeth BB54 G Lewis Hazel May BB28 Q Unknown Sarah BB
  Gallagher John Joseph BB77 Lordan Patrick BB237 Quayle John Francis BB59 Unsworth Louisa Catherine Patience BB179
C Geason Charles Henry BB96 Loveday-McMullen BB121 Quinn Mary Ann BB71  
Carr Alice BB262 Green Laurel May BB31 Luckhurst Harriett Louise BB131 Quinn Mary Jane BB122 V
Carr Herbert Charles BB242 Gregory Eileen BB Lynch William BB108 Quinn William Henry BB122 Valentine Joseph John BB245
Carr Laurence BB262       Valentine Sarah Ann BB245
Carr Thomas Patrick BB242 H M R Vout Daniel Edmund BB112
Carr William C BB242 Haines Alfred Henry BB298 Madden Ann Agnes BB270 Raftery Ethel May BB159 Vout Mary Ann BB112
Carroll M BB32 Haines Beatrice Catherine BB298 Maloney Isabella Angelica BB47 Raftery James Martin BB204  
Carroll Patrick BB32 Halton A B C BB184 Maloney John Patrick BB47 Raftery Teresa BB204 W
Carroll Thomas James BB32 Hammond Eva May BB52 Maloney Yvetta BB47 Raftery Thomas BB159 Watts Samuel William BB27A
Connors BB277 Hammond Lawrence Geeves BB52 McHugh Bridget BB59 Reid Clement A BB30 Webb Hedley BB77
Cooper Alfred James BB129 Hanlon Alfred BB220 McNeil John BB180 Reid Evelyn May BB30 Welsh W BB199A
  Hanlon James BB196 Mifsud Jennifer Grace BB55 Richards Leonard John BB26 Whitchurch BB137
D Hanlon William BB220 Mifsud Richard BB55 Richardson Walter BB65 Williams Charles BB222B
Dalco Isadore F BB27 Harris Edward L BB113 Murray Allan Gerald Edward BB33 Roberts Thomas BB144 Williams Leonard BB6
Dalco Mary Ann BB27 Harris Henrietta BB113   Robertson John BB125 Williams Wilfred Albert BB222A
Dance Annie Maud BB274 Hines Agnes Emily BB290 N Robinson George Ronald BB98 Wilson Edmund Roland C BB285
Daniels Cecil Edward BB51 Hobden Alfred BB152 Nason Violet BB127 Rooke M BB186 Wilson Max BB285
Daniels Maud Bernice BB51 Hogan Arthur John BB278 Nelson Elizabeth BB218   Wilson Sarah Jane BB285
Dillon Patrick BB307 Hogan William BB278 Newman Alfred BB270   Wylie Susan BB103
Dillon Ellen BB307 Hoggett John William BB74 Newman Robert Albion BB264    
  Hoggett Florence Gertrude BB74 Nicholls Nellie Mary BB223A    
    Nicholls Thomas BB24    
    Nicholls William James BB223A    
    Noble Albert BB88    
    Noble Claire BB88    



Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania