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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

Catholic Section CP

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons Website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.

Adams Alfred Daley Lindley Gordon Hales Lillian Susannah Newman V A Smith Alan Eric
Adams Violet Maud Dare L D Hales William Henry Nichols Eileen Mary Smith Albert Stuart
Agh Joseph John Devereaux James Albert Hanak Teresa Gustas Nichols Henry James Smith Amy Patricia
Aherne Dorothy May Devereaux Mary Ellen Hansch Mary Agnes Nicholson Lola Beryl Smith George
Aherne Eric Devereux Philip Francis Harvey Eileen Agnes Nicholson W R Smith John Samuel
Albertini Germano Devine Jean Elizabeth Harvey William Norman Jack Smith Orial Esma
Andrews Alice May Devine Victor William Holloway Catherine Elizabeth Nygaard I S Smith Seila Noreen
B Dolan R T Holt Patrick Joseph O Smith Teresa Mary Ann
Barnes Thomas David Downham George William Hooper Gwendoline Alice Oakley Barry Somers Phyllis Dawn
Barry Laura Drumm Alice Teresa Hooper Kenneth John Oakley Douglas Rex Somers T J
Bennett Denise Kathleen Du pont Paul Francois Hooper Ronald Francis O'Brien Eliza Hannah Streets L R
Bennett John Keith Duggan Danial Mathew Horton Elva Beryl O'Brien Hilary James Streets Marjorie Bertha
Bennett Mary Geraldine Duggan Nancy Horton Herman Francis P Stretton Arthur
Best Walter Ambrose Duggan Reg Hunt Agnes Parsell C J T Stretton Joyce Winifred
Bester Sylvia Joyce E Hunt Alfred Passey E C Sweeney Charles William
Birch Alma Belle Ellston Mollie Hunt George Paul Gaye Kathleen T
Birch William Francis Everett Edith Ivy Hunt William John Pearce Dora Lucy Tate Mervyn Joseph
Boscoe William Richard Everett Rex J Pearce Reginald Alfred Thomsen William Arthur
Bower Cecilia F Jones Ida Helen Pelham Gary Michael Turnbull Frederick Douglas
Bower Donald Fairweather W R K Pelham Trevor Henry Turnbull Rita Annie
Bradshaw Donald Leigh Farley Arthur Stephen Keady Paul Mathew Prestage Kenneth Bruce U
Brittain Peter Farley Violet Eileen Kennedy Philip Prestage Sheila Ann Unknown Ethel
C Fletcher-Jones Alice C King John Hallisey Proud Melba Mary Unknown
Callinan Archibald John Fox Audrey Joyce Kingshott Mona Louisa R V
Callinan Lorna Jean Fox Francis William Koblenz Johann Radford Charlotte Vincent Alan Rex
Canham Silas L Fox Richard James L Ramic Roko W
Cashion R M Freeman Patricia Mary Lacy Mary Lylie Patricia Randall E E Walton Arthur
Cashman Albert G Leahy George Z Randall G H Walton Josephine
Castles Mary Gaabarz William Lyden Mary Jane Reardon Rose Pearl Warne Denise Joy
Chatters Tony Galvin A Lyden Michael Joseph Reardon Victor John Watt Desmond
Colgrave M I Gath Eileen A Lynch Charles Robert Rickards Daphne May Watt William
Conley John Michael Laurence Gearman Eileen H M M Roberts J T West Joyce Emily
Cook Elizabeth Kathleen Gearman Lyle H Manning Robert Roberts Kathleen May Williams Thomas Maxwell
Cowen Errol Baden Geeves H J McLeod Colin Campbell B   Witcombe Charles Harold
Crawford Edward Thomas Gilchrist Wayne Michael McNamee J C   Woodruff Clarence
Crawford Eileen Edna Golding Beryl Catherine Molan Charles   Wright Danny Laurence Patrick
Cretu George Goodman Bet Mundy Leslie   Y
Cretu Theresia Maria Katherina Graf Johann Murphy Eileen   Young Leo
Curran Annie P Gregg J G Murphy Hilda   Young Ronald Thomas
Curran John Guppy William Henry Murphy Jack   Young Thelma Kathleen Dorothy
Curtis Vernon Gustas Nikodimas     Z
        Zantuck Bertha Mary





Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2023 Graves of Tasmania