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Catholic Section M

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons Website to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.

A D H Cont N T
Ackerley Joseph M323 Dalco Julian M544 Hook Violet Beatrice M612 Nankivell Agnes M402 Tapping Clare Adella M80
Adams M343 Dalco Sarah Bridget M544 Hope Adolphus M514 Nankivell Lily Hilda M459 Tatnell Henry Malcolm M247
Adams Rosina M343 Dalton James Francis M38 Hope Francis Mary Maud M514 Newman Catherine M4 Taylor Albert Charles M79
Adkins Vida Louise M523 Daly Ellen M152 Horton Charles M63 Newman M4 Taylor Catherine M369
Adkins William Thomas M523 Daly Iris Eileen M404 Horton Emma M63 Nichols Emily M441 Taylor Elsie May M79
Adlard John Edward M358 Daly Robert M152 Horton Kevin Peter M63 Nichols Fay Marie M419 Taylor M32
Ahern Mary A S M M605 Darcey Blanche Mabel M211 Howe John Gerard M488 Nichols John M290 Taylor Ronald George M369
Aherne Maurice James M159 Darcey Mary Virginia M211 Howe John Joseph M488 Nichols Mary M290 Taylor Sally Frances M170
Aldridge Amelia Blanche M10 Darcey Richard John M211 Howe Mary Catherine M489 Nichols Tasman M441 Taylor Thomas M M369
Anders Charles Frederick Darcey Richard Joseph M211 Howe Thomas Nicholas M489 Nuroo Ada Alice M368 The Christian Brothers M88
Anning James Columba M88 Darling Frederick Richard M443 Hoy Annie Farrell M312 Nuroo Anita Phyllis M263 Thompson Charles Frederick M365
Appleton Bertha Elizabeth Darling Marcella M443 Hoy Michael Albert M312 Nuroo Ghokria M368 Thompson Martha Mary M365
Appleton David Cecil M75 Davie Rose M397 Hunt Algernon Ashbury M50 Nuroo Uberoi Chokra M263 Thornhill Bessie Elizabeth M132
Appleton Edith Emily Maud Davis Alfred Daniel M11 Hunt Annie Mabel M50   Thornhill Charles W D M132
Appleton Leslie George M75 Davis C R M395 Hunt Charles M M418 O Thurstans Bernard M113
Appleton Leslie Joseph Louis Davis Cyril Ridgeway M395 Hutt Phoebe M460 Oakley Clara M214 Thurstans Bridget Catherine M113
Appleton Patrick John M13 Davis Lily Violet M396 Huxtable Edith M235 Oakley Joseph Emmett M614 Tierney Joan Lillian M317
Archer M270 Davis Sarah Jane M11 Huxtable George M235 Oakley Olive Hilton M614 Tierney Lorna Marjorie M317
Ashwood Brenda M507 Dawson Albert William M148 Hyatt George Evelyn M493 Oakley Percival J James M214 Tilyard Annie Ray M163
Ashwood John Aaron M507 Dawson Annie May M148 Hyland John Henry M281 Oates Albert M238 Tilyard Arthur John M163
Ashwood Patrick M507 Dayton Eleanor Mary M423   Oates Annie M238 Timbs D H M336
Asley Alfred Henry M584 Deakes Lucy Kate M237 J Oatley Marjorie OdiliaM215 Treacy Eugene M572
Asley Annie Agness M385 Deegan Catherine Eliza M234 Jackson Frederick M308 Oatley W J M215 Tucker Thelma Gertrude M601
Asley John Evan 1 M386 Deegan Charles Michael M266 Jackson Hannah M308 O'Beirne Ada C M532 Turner Agnes Elizabeth M354
Asley John Evan M385 Deegan David Edward M234 Johnson Albert Nicholas M320 O'Beirne Peter John M532 Turner Essie Aileen M520
Asley Leslie John M385 Deegan Edith Jane M265 Johnson Joseph Frederick O'Brien Cecelia Annie M539 Turner Geoffrey Roy M520
Asley Mary Ellen M380 Deegan Elsie May M501 Johnson Mabel M320 O'Brien G P M539 Tuttle M325
Asley Maty Rita M584 Deegan John Baptist M501 Johnson Mary Ann M147 O'Byrne Mabel Jane M182  
Avenell Marjorie Jean M365 Deegan M91 Johnson Olive M70 O'Byrne Patrick John M182 U
Backman Albert Ernest M101 Deegan Melva Irene M266 Johnson Thomas M70 O'Donoghue Baby Boy 1 M36 Unknown 1 M
Baker Esther M177 Delaney Ambrose John M59 Johnson Thomas William M147 O'Donoghue Baby Boy M36 Unknown 2 M
Ballaam George John M23 Delaney Edward M367 Johnston George David M115 O'Donoghue Hilda Ruth M36 Unknown 3 M
Barker Mary Agnes M340 Delaney Emma Isabell M367 Jones John M335 O'Donoghue Margaret McLeod M36 Unknown M
Barker William D M340 Delaney Kathleen Mary M59 Jones Louisa M335 O'Donoghue Stephen Daniel M36  
Barnes Alice M289A Denehey Stanley C M285 Jones M260 O'Driscoll Audrey Ursula M186 V
Barnes Francis Elizabeth M492 Denehey Thelma Mavis M285 Jordan Ester Winifred M470 O'Driscoll William Young M186 Valentine Eva M586
Barnes George Henry M492 Dennis Ambrose James M52 Jordan Trevor Frederick M470 O'Keefe Agnes M202 Valentine James Thorton M586
Barnes J C M289A Devereaux L M 512 Joyce Edmund DominicM88 O'Keefe David John M202 Verrell Doris May M508
Barnes Patrick M289A Devereaux Les M512   O'Keefe Mary M309 Verrell Walter Edward M508
Barry Elizabeth M108 Devereaux Vina M512 K O'Keefe Phyllis M309 Von Stieglitz Robert Lewis M545
Bartley Agnes M239 Devine Edna May M505 Kaufmann Alice Anne M391 O'Neill Daniel M587 Vout 1 M172
Barwick Emma Amilda M97 Dillon Frank M573 Keane Jean Patricia M270 O'Neill Eric Peter M587 Vout Amelia Elizabeth M172
Barwick Robert Horace M97 Donnelly Edward M372 Kearney Cecily Agnes M601 O'Neill John Francis M236 Vout Charles Bernard M172
Batchelor Leila M573 Donnelly Ellen M257 Kearney Gerald Lovell M212 O'Neill Linda Maud M236 Vout M172
Belbin Agnes Lilian M345 Donnelly Hilda Amy M372 Kearney Marjorie M212 O'Neill S A M581  
Belbin Henry William M345 Donohue James M36 Keating Anne M477 Owen Agnes M166 W
Belbin M208 Donohue Margaret M36 Keating William James M477 Owen M166 Waldon Herbert Clarence M34
Bennet Alma M M332 Donovan V M161 Keelan James M192 Owen William M166 Walker Charles Alfred M275
Bennett Ernest William M222 Doolan Grace M617 Kelly Florence M348   Walker Florence Amy M25
Bennett Frances Lesley May Doran Alice Phoebe M231 Kelly Hugh M348 P Walker Mabel M68
Bennett Honora M307 Doran Florence Marion M231 Kelly M 519 Palmer Frederick Thomas M373 Walker Margaret Annie M275
Bennetto Marcella Vera M443 Doran M204 Kelly Pauline Ida M346 Palmer Hilda Estelle Anne M373 Walker Thomas Henry M25
Berry Jean Mavis M480 Dowd Alexander M469 Kelly Robert Edward M475 Park Alice Teresa M578 Wall Lillian Kapunda M538
Betts Hannah Sarah M542 Dowd Caroline M469 Kelly Theresa Bridget M475 Peck Georgina M140 Ward Thomas M289
Betts Richard John M542 Downey M396 Kelly W M346 Peck John M140 Warren Sarah M398
Betts Richard Joseph M542 Doyle Gertrude Mary M37 Kennedy James M5 Pelham Eliza M319 Warren William Henry M398
Biggins Rebecca Elizabeth Doyle Leo M37 Kennedy Jessie M5 Pelham George M478 Waters Cecilia Julia M180
Bingham Harriette M15 Doyle M440 Keogh Eileen May M92 Pelham Irene Olive M478 Waters Patrick M180
Bingham John Edmund M15 Doyle Paul Laurence M88 Keogh Florence Mary M216 Perry Francis M185 Watt Eileen Myrtle M261
Bird Olive Loyola M318 Drew Margaret M78 Keogh John M216 Phillips Catherine M136 Watt George Batson M261
Blades Charles M444 Drew Stephen Robert M78 Kerr Darcy James M324 Picken Ada M381 Webber Minnie Blanche M490
Blades Mary Ellenor M444 Durant Hanorah M599 Kerr Mary M324 Picken Edwin George M381 Webber Stanley P M490
Blake C W M518 Durkin Carles Edwin M487 Kerslake Lindsay L M434 Picken Gregory James M561 Webber William John M490
Boland Kath M135 Dwyer Cecil Gonzaga M88 Kerslake Mary J M434 Picken Helena Scott M274 Webster Ellen Mona M217
Bone James M384 Dwyer Charles Joseph M90 Kildea Elizabeth M246 Picken Thomas M561 Webster Ethel Maud M433
Bone Leo John M384 Dwyer Doris Gwendoline M206 King Marie Josephine M280 Picken Thomas Maxwell M561 Webster Henry Patrick M217
Bone Margaret M384 Dwyer M69 King Mary Joyce M538 Plunkett Esther M99 Webster Thomas William M433
Bone Patricia Longstaff M384 Dwyer Philip Charles M206 King William Henry M280 Plunkett Geoffrey M99 Wells Doris Florence M250
Boolas Sowd M165 Dwyer Susan Margaret M90 Kirk Harold M330 Plunkett Violet Annie Power M378 Wells Pierce M250
Bourne Marjorie Benedicta   Kirk Leslie Albert M328 Plunkett Wilfred Maxwell M378 Welsh James M388A
Bower Ebenezer William M118 E Kirk Margaret M328 Plunkett William Clement M378 Welsh Lily M388A
Bower Elizabeth Gertrude Eaton Adorine May M7 Kitto Ada Louisa M198 Pocock Charles William M458 Westbrook Helen Kathleen M287
Bower John Colin M118 Eaton Arthur Colin M7 Klug E M M154 Pocock Theresa Mary M458 Westbrook May Phyllis M287
Bowring Elizabeth May M156 Edgecock Frances F M242 Klug Gertrude M154 Podmore Venitia Catherine M173 Westbrook Victor M287
Bowring John Joseph M156 Edgecock Frederick E M242 Knight Herbert M560 Podmore William G M173 Westbury Isabel M187
Bradford M316 Edwards M8   Polley Amy May M101 Whelan James William M198
Breen John Joseph M527 Ellen G T M169 L Polley Joseph Richard M101 Whelan Matilda Mary M198
Breen John Martin M598 Ellen Katherine M169 Lampkin Brenda Mary M507 Power Amy Ethel M34 White Mary Louisa M223
Breen L Section M527 Eyles Mary Jane M549 Larkin Ann D M580 Power Elizabeth M33 Whittle Agnes Gertrude M413
Breen Lily Mary M149   Larkin Charles M580 Power Ellen Maud Marian M464 Whittle Burt Henning M413
Breen Margaret M527   Latham Albert Leslie M2 Power Gertrude Ethel M196 Whitton William Henry M129
Breen Percy Christopher   Latham John Charles M249 Power James M33 Whitty Lily Maude M377
Breen Violet Beatrice M598 F Latham Myrtle M2 Power John Thomas M33 Whitty Mark Raymond M377
Brennan Section M551 Farnell Hannah M184 Latham Una Winifred M2 Power Mary Catherine M196 Wicks Eric John M18
Brewer Alice May M494 Farrell Ada Maria M310 Leary Edgar M563 Power Section M No 168 Wicks Eulalie Myra M18
Brewer Charles Henry M494 Farrell Edmund Vernon M310 Linnell John Ernest M471 Power William Henry M196 Wigmore Catherine M295
Briggs Elvie Mary M117 Farrell Patrick M552 Linsky Amy Charlotte M356 Power William James M34 Wigmore Henry William M295
Briggs Frederick Edward Faulkner Viola Maree M605 Linsky Thomas M356 Prairie Edward Lebourne M160 Williams J M435
Brimage Marie Louise M427 Faull Blanche Mary M467 Lobban Bernard Innes M535 Prairie May M160 Williams Marjorie Olive M567
Britten Amy Florence M176 Finn Ethel Pearl M293 Lobban Mignon Fay Mary M535 Prairie Stuart M160 Williams Walter George M567
Brizzill Josephine M272 Finn John Patrick M293 Lobban William Innes M535 Puknus Ernest Edward M331 Willicombe Elsa May M555
Bromfield Marjorie M70 Fisher Kevin John M20 Lonergan Coral Jane M278 Puknus M331 Willicombe James M555
Brown Alfred B M504 Fitzgerald Edward M112 Longey Jean Catherine M394 Purdy Joan M590 Wilson Albert Martin M437
Brown Alice May M222 Fitzgerald Frederick David Lord Harrie M484   Wilson Florence M455
Brown Francis M222 Fitzgerald John C M93 Lord Leslie John M398 Q Winch Leo Joseph Holt M286
Brown James David M557 Fitzgerald Wilhelmina M448 Luckhurst Frank M314 Quinn M302 Winch Margaret Winifred M286
Browne Catherine M62 Fitzpatrick Charles M533 Luckhurst Kathleen Reavley Quinn David Norman M452 Winch Thomas Joseph M286
Browne M54 Fitzpatrick Frances Philip M51 Luckhurst Lillian Frances M314 R Wing -Coon Yee Lee M220
Brue Sylvestor Roy M366 Fitzpatrick Nellie 1 M51 Luckhurst Sarah Elizabeth M314 Ranahan Andrew M282 Wing George Quong M363
Bukauskas Vaclovas M613 Fitzpatrick Nellie M74 Luckman Eliza Alice M408 Ranahan Jessie M282 Withers Percy Henry M582
Burke Catherine M151 Fitzpatrick Thomas M74 Luckman John Rheuben M408 Randall Patrick James M536 Wooby Joseph John M127
Burke Elizabeth Gladys M125 Flanagan Ada Gladys M119 Lynch Cornel M179 Rasmussen George Ralph M426 Wright Agnes E M17
Burke Gerald Bernard M125 Flanagan Clement Joseph Lynch Ellen M44 Rasmussen Kathleen Frances Wright William Robert M17
Burke Harold Roy M86 Flanagan Elizabeth Ann M406 Lynch James M44 Ratcliffe Ernest Thomas M224  
Burke Ivy Marjorie M86 Flanagan Peter Aloysius M119 Lynch John Joseph M44 Ratcliffe Gladys Pearl M224 Y
Burke Patrick Joseph M599 Fleming Robert M483 Lynch Terence Patrick M44 Ratcliffe Lilly Belle M224 Young James Henry M570
Burke Thomas William M151 Flynn Lawrence M264 Lynch Thelma Durl M44 Ratcliffe Lucy Belle M224 Younger Lorna May M389
Burman Nora M83 Flynn Selina Ann M264 Lynch-Ford-Lovell Lorna Margaret Reed Albert M197  
Burns Agnes Mary Cecelia Foley Ellen Melvina M229 Lynch-Lovell Lorna M200A Reed Emily Beatrice M197  
Butterworth James Samuel Fooks Reginald Murray M506 Lyons Catherine Elizabeth M611 Reid Myra Josephine M146  
Byrne Ellen Mary M393 Fooks Vera M506 Lyons Susie A W M288 Reynolds Elizabeth M16  
C Ford Frances Jane M200 Lyons Victor Saul M611 Richardson Dorothy Drew M568  
Calder Alice Margaret M49 Ford Lorna Edna M9 Lyons William M288 Richardson Fred Beresford M568  
Cameron M39 Ford Walter M200   Richardson Greta M243  
Camm A M145 Ford William Joseph M9 M Risby Charles Wallace M106  
Camm Josephine M145 Foster Elsie May M94 Mackey Cecelia M576 Risby Julia M106  
Carroll Adeline Constance Foster Hazel May M94 Maher Katie E M M502 Riseley Ronald Joseph M388A  
Carroll John Mitchell M164 Foster M353 Maher Percy M502 Riseley Ronald William M388A  
Carroll Julia Agnes M164 Fox Ellen Mary M516 Maloney J P M607 Robertson Bill M431  
Casey Eileen M188 Fox John Albert M128 Managan Mabel M482 Robertson Jack M141  
Casey Kathleen Ellen M188 Fox M22 Mann Errol Ernest M606 Robertson John F M431  
Casey Lavinia Jane M188 Fox Vera Annie M128 Mann Frances Gladys M606 Robertson Lily May M141  
Casey William Francis M188 Freeman Patrick Henry M473 Manser James Alfred M230 Robertson Mollie Eva M431  
Cashion Camden M524 Freeman Victoria Elizabeth Manser Louisa Agnes M230 Robertson Olive Grace M431  
Cashion Dennis Camden M524   Manser Unknown M230 Alfred & Maxwell Robertson Richard M195  
Cashion Margaret M524 G Margan Percival Bowin M482 Rose Cynthia Gertrude M333  
Cato Edward S M89 Gadd Eileen June M30 Marshall Mary M108 Rose Gertrude M333  
Cato Lydia Mary M89 Gadd Florence M30 Martin Cecil Henry M406 Rothery N A J M24  
Chaperon Alfred Pierre M103 Gadd George Herbert M181 Martin Iris Kathleen M406 Rothery Noel Anson M24  
Chaperon Mary Louise M102 Gadd Percy M30 Martin John Charles M406 Rowell Frederick Hyatt M40  
Charlesworth Harriet M120 Gaffney Hannah M19 Mason Marie Theresa M131 Russell G A M399  
Charlesworth James John M120 Gaffney Stephen Aloysius M19 Mason Myrtle M246 Russell Margaret Kate M399  
Chintock Alethea M203 Garde Bernard M130 Mazengarb Catherine Matilda Ryan Agie Eileen M421  
Chintock Neville M203 Garde Catherine M130 McArthur Eric Lionel M122 Ryan Catherine M205  
Clark M439 Garde M190 McCormick Edward John M34 Ryan Charlotte Annie M411  
Clay Agnes M A M273 Garity Ida Frances M591 McCormick Florence Margaret Ryan Estella Maude M588  
Clay Alfred Reginald M596 Garrett Irene Patricia M20 McCulloch William Fenton Ryan Lynette Mary M591  
Clay Charles A M219 Garth Thomas Walter M6 McDevitt Gordon Alexander Ryan Macdalene M143  
Clay Eleanor Maud M273 Garth William George M6 McDevitt Rose M404 Ryan Margaret Cecelia M143  
Clay Teresa Irene M219 Geard Amy Ella M541 McDonald Martha M178 Ryan Martin Francis M205  
Clive Margaret Elenore M579 Geard Herbert Henry Champion McGuiness M485 Ryan Michael Nicholas M588  
Clive Richard Alfred M579 Geard Mary Eleanor M66 McGuire Catherine M457 Ryan Philip Enracht M421  
Coad Adeline M480 Geard Ron M541 McGuire John Patrick M457 Ryland Alice Teresa M578  
Coad Thomas M480 Gibbons Minnie M511 McKay Denis M407 Ryland Benjamin John M578  
Coetzee Flora Priscilla M401 Gilchrist John Tomas M327 McKay Georgina M407 Ryland Benjamin M578  
Coetzee James William M401 Gilchrist Thirza Alma M327 McKinley Amy M510 Ryland Ralph Herbert M578  
Coleman M349 Glover Bertha May M123 McKinley Thomas Joseph M510 S  
Collins Alice Maud M111 Glover Edward George M123 McLeay Marie Cecilia M241 Salter Alice Maud M388  
Collins Allan Keith M526 Gordon Eileen Victoria M562 McLeay Mary Theresa M241 Salter Robert William M388  
Collins Joy Corona M111 Gordon James Hutchins M562 McMahon Mary Ethel M616 Sangwell Allan Arthur M509  
Collins Thomas M299 Gordon Maxwell James M562 McMullen James M326 Sangwell Elizabeth M509  
Collins William Charles M111 Goss Agnes M114 McMullen Mary Isobel M326 Savage Charles M569  
Colman Nina Jean M521 Goss Raymond Clive M114 McNamara Andrew M107 Savage Lyall Charles M569  
Colman Owen M521 Gough Dorrie M104 McPhillips James M65 Sayer Ada Cecilia M126  
Commane Betty Emily M375 Grant Michael Edward M95 McPhillips Mary Molly M207 Scanlon Mary Jane M461  
Commane Ethel May M 294 Grant Nellie May M95 McPhillips Mary Theresa M65 Scanlon Mollie Joan M461  
Commane Leslie Walter M277 Green Alice Eva M300 Meade Annie M149 Scoles David Charles M531  
Commane Mervyn Edgar M277 Green Arthur Edward M300 Meehan Cecilia Elizabeth M383 Scoles Ellen M531  
Commane Michael Harold M294 Green Arthur James Russell Merrick John Stanislaw M491 Scott Ellen M360  
Connah Eileen Gertrude M574 Green Doris May M300 Millage May Ellen Maud M451 Scott Julia Catherine M497  
Connah William Henry M574 Griffiths Nellie M442 Millage Peter John M451 Scott Louis Baccott M497  
Connolly Alice M20 Grimmond Mary Josephine Mills Constance Kathleen M158 Scott Walter Nicholas M360  
Connolly Eileen Annie M218 Grining Ellen M96 Mills Elizabeth M537 Scott William M497  
Connolly Samuel Maurice M21 Grueber Florence May M513 Mills Francis Henry M158 Sculthorpe Clare M M127  
Connolly William John M218 Grueber James M513 Mills Jack M537 Sculthorpe Tasman Joseph M127  
Connor Dorothy May M109 Gunton Lenna M139 Mills Thomas Tasman M602 Sellars Edgar Charles M251  
Connor Ethel Alambra M468 Guy Harry Augustas M26 Milton-Driscoll M233 Sexton Elsie Maud M175  
Connor Patrick Francis M109 Guy Hollie Kathleen M303 Moles Alfred Isac M543 Sexton Francis M173  
Connors Amelia Ellen M301 Guy Maud M26 Moles Grace Amelia Fox M543 Sexton Hilda Winifred M55  
Connors James EdwardM403 Guy Walter David M303 Molloy Harold M98 Sexton Katherine Mary M55  
Connors Joseph Charles M301 H Montgomery Roma M214 Sexton Lucy M55  
Connors Laura Mary M403 Hall Betty June M73 Moore Alfred Patrick M72 Sexton Myrtle Lucy M55  
Connors Susan M57 Hall Edward John M453 Moore Doris Maude M230 Sexton Thomas M55  
Coogan Catherine M35 Hall Essie Victoria M453 Moore Dorothea W M558 Sharp Charles William M193  
Coogan Richard M155 Hammond M43 Moore George Henry M350 Sharp Gertrude Julianne M193  
Coogan William M35 Hammond Patrick James M43 Moore Horace John M558 Sherrin Emmeline M337  
Coombe Alfred M344 Hankin Clement M495 Moore John Norbert M88 Shields Annie Maria M42  
Coombe Teresa M344 Hankin Sarah M495 Moore Kathleen M350 Shinnick Andrew M100  
Cooper Ernest Lyall M525 Hanlon Owen Joseph M116 Moore Lillian M352 Simmons M347  
Cooper Johanna M456 Hanlon Ruby Leah M116 Moore Margaret Ann M558 Slide Robert Lawrence M472  
Cooper Lilah Mary M525 Hanson Maurice Reginald Clyde Moore Maria M72 Slide Susannah M472  
Corbett Alma M486 Hanson Maurice William M189 Moran Thomas Henry M339 Smart George Edward M294  
Corbett Elsie Maud 1 M262 Hardy Muriel M450 Morris Des M454 Smith Bernard M85  
Corbett Elsie Maud M58 Harland Bridget May M389 Morris John Demrtrius M597 Smith Beryl Joyce M118  
Corbett Eric Joseph M262 Harland Unknown M389 Mulcahy Daisy Isobel M498 Smith Beth Cecelia M144  
Corbett William James M58 Harland William Alfred M389 Mulcahy Eric M283 Smith Catherine M134  
Corcoran Colleen Maureen M77 Harris Frank M486 Mulcahy Eva M283 Smith Charles Carlton M258  
Corcoran Daniel M77 Harris George William M259 Mulcahy Frank M498 Smith Donald Sydney M548  
Corcoran Margaret M77 Harris Jack William M259 Mulcahy Jeannette Francis M283 Smith Eileen Rosalie M432  
Cornelius Ellen Cecelia M167 Harris Lionel Joseph M259 Mulcahy Norma M283 Smith Elizabeth M410  
Cornelius Henry M167 Hartnett Patrick M269 Munley Elizabeth Jane M571 Smith H I M600  
Correa John M462 Hawkes Eileen Mary M565 Munley James M571 Smith Henry Alfred M517  
Correa Violet Mary M462 Hawkes Eldred Frederick M565 Muraro M359 Smith Martha Leone M517  
Cosker Thomas M240 Hay Cassie Murphy Eileen Iris M112 Smith Mary Claire M548  
Costello John M121 Haywood Mary Lavinia M428 Murphy Florence Winifred M64 Smith Rose M432  
Coulson B M157 Heerey Hilda Kathleen M465 Murphy Robert D M64 Smith Section M313  
Coulson John M329 Heerey Laurence David M465 Murphy Robert S M64 Smith William Penn M1  
Coulson Thomas M157 Hellessey Frederick Arthur Murray Joseph Bramick M298 Sproule R M425  
Crabtree John A M503 Hellessey Mary M577 Murtagh Daniel Henry M438 Stannard Francis Herbert M237  
Craig Johanna M499 Henrick James Oscar M209 Murtagh Kathleen Josephine M438 Stapleton Alice Pauline M297  
Craig William M499 Henry Gen Chung M48   Stapleton F J M297  
Cranny Catherine M196A Henry Mary Lum M48   Steed Ada Elizabeth M311  
Cranny Peter M196A Hewitt James M559   Steed Edward Alfred M311  
Croft William Bernard M81 Hewitt Mary Ann M558   Stevens Eva Mary M142  
Cronley Mary Jane M210 Heyward Miriam M576   Stevens William Joseph M142  
Crossin Mary Catherine M191 Hickson Richard Sylvester M84   Stuart Alexander Joseph M87  
Cumming Gordon Roualeyn Hill Lillie May M123   Stuart Alice Mary M87  
Cumming Marie Angela M618 Hill Mary Anne M318   Stuart Lambert William M87  
Cumming Michael Ian M618 Hill William Joseph M153   Stuart Una M553  
Curtis Ann Mary M83 Hills Eva Olive M529   Stuart William Edward M553  
Curtis John Joseph M 150 Hills William Henry M529   Stubbings Cyril Alexander M291  
Curtis Josephine Mary M150 Hines Gertrude M248   Stubbings Mary Ann M291  
Cuthbertson Alan M481 Hines Thomas M248   Stubbs Elizabeth Lavinia M306  
Cuthertson Lena M481 Hogarth Cecily Mary M27   Sullivan James M361  
Cuttress Isobell M No 436 Hogarth Jordan Driscoll M27   Swinton Kathleen Harriett M474  
      Swinton Thomas M474  
      Symmons Bernard Strahan M76  
      Symmons Mary Alice M76  


Thank you Lyn for the following information

It appears that another 2 people are also buried with Louisa, her husband Alfred and another son Maxwell  See Manser Louise above

First names: Alfred, Surname: MANSER, Age: 92, Record no.: B 16694,  Service type: Burial, Service date: 6-Apr-1973, Last residence: HOBART, Grave location - Cemetery:  Cornelian Bay,  Area or denomination: Roman Catholic, Section: M, Site number: Number 230, 

First names: Maxwell Raymond, Surname: MANSER, Age: 44,  Record no.: 1B 57619,  Service type: Burial, Service date: 9-Oct-1959, Last residence: HOBART, Grave location - Cemetery: Cornelian Bay, Area or denomination: Roman Catholic, Section: M, Site number: Number 230,




Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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