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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

Section EX

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons Website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.

Andersen Marie Davidson James Joseph Howells Catherine McCrossen Hannah Scoyler Jessie Constance
Anderson Frances Davidson May Howells William McCrossen Iris Ismay Sneddon Alexander
Anderson Lilian Amy Downie Isabella Hughes Mary McCrossen Mabel Sneddon Alexander
Anderson Peter A Downie Thomas Hull Mary Jane McDonald Manie Sneddon Beatrice Minnie
Anderson Sarah Amelia Duncan Beatrice Ellen   McFie Edward John Sneddon
  Duncan Catherine J McFie Susan Sneddon George Crawford
B Duncan Constance Mabel Johns Lillian McNair James Moreland Sneddon John Crawford
Best Thomas Hogarth Duncan Elspeth J Johns Myrtle McNair Minnie Lucy Violet Sneddon, Mary A
Best Victoria Louisa May Duncan James Johnston Andrew Sproule McNeair Alfred  
Birchall William Andrew Bayley Duncan James Maxwell Johnston Donald William McNeair Ella Pearl T
Bird Louisa Duncan Mabel Maud Johnston Ellen McNeair Mary Taylor Irene Joyce
Black David Duncan Susan K Johnston Louisa Loucinda McNeair May Margaret Taylor Henrietta Phillipa
Blackwood Elizabeth Duncan William Johnston Mary Emily McNeair Zillah Ethel Taylor Samuel Gavin
Blackwood Robert Dunn Robert Roy Johnston William Millar Margaret Hillhouse Taylor Samuel Smethurst
Bowe William Henry Duthie Victoria Elizabeth Jones Clyde Leonard Millar William Thomson John James Paxton
Butement Margaret Duthie William Jones Eva Maud Miller Jeanie Todd Robert Corney
    Jones Jean Miller Margaret Triffett Mary Ann
C F Jones John Charles Miller Robert Logan  
Carmichael James Campbell Featherstone George Horace Jones John Downie Miller Thomas W
Carmichael Johanne Catherine Featherstone Harry Richard Jones Mary Ann Milne David Ward Agnes Jane
Christie Albert Victor Forrest Phyllis Jones Roy Thorborn Milner Alexander Cameron Ward Alfred Samuel
Christie Grace Eileen Holly   Jones William Mitchell Unknown Ward Ellen Maria
Clifford Barron G   Mitchell William Henry Ward John Robert
Clifford Daniel Gibson Agnes K Montgomery Alfred Ernest Ward Oliver E
Clifford Isabella Glendinning Emily Elizabeth Kennedy Hilda May Montgomery Lois Ward Samuel Douglas
Cooper Francis Glendinning William Kingston Lila Montgomery Robert Bar Watson Walter William
Cooper Theodore Francis Gluschke Elizabeth   Moore Clara Victoria Watt Alexander William
Cox Charles Read Gluschke Roy Cyril L Moore Edith Evelyn Watt Anne
Cox Joseph Francis Gribben Marion McIntyre Larkins Jane Moore Eliza Watt John
Cox Rhoda West   Lawson Catherine Moore Francis Watt Mary
Crawford Annie H Lewis John Moore Gertrude Eleanor Webster Annie Wylie
Crawford John Harris Martha Lewis Myrtle Moore Violet Bertha Webster James Cameron
Crooks Myrtle Harris Thomas Lewis Unknown Morton Alexander Webster Lilian Marian
Crownhurst Violet Harris Thomas Henry   Mullay Peter Webster William Inerick
Crowhurst Augustus Robert   Long Alan Geoffrey   Webster William Iverick
Cuthbertson Stanley James Hay Catherine Long Charles Nightingale P White Elizabeth
  Hay Doreen Long Hector Page Agnes White James
  Hay Doris Pearl Long Margaret Matilda Paterson John White Margaret
        White Mary
      R Willson Elizabeth
      Raision John Willson Margaret
      Reading William Woodward Minnie Martha Helena
      Reid James Woodward Walter Henry
      Rennie Clarence Alfred  
      Rennie Charles Edward Y
      Rennie Douglas William Young Hannah
      Rennie Sarah Annie Young R
      Rennie William John Young Randal
      Rennie Marian  
      Riddle Rosa  
      Riddle Rosa M M  
      Ritz Bertha Katherine  
      Ritz Herman  
      Roberts Margaret  
      Robertson Victoria  



Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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