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Cornelian Bay/Unmarked/Roman Catholic


If you could spare a few dollars to help with the running costs of hosting this website to keep it alive would be very much appreciated.

Thankyou from Gravesites of Tasmania in advance.

Unmarked Graves Roman Catholic

Surnames N

This is an ongoing project.  In time all unmarked graves at Cornelian Bay will be listed.

Surname Given name Section Grave number Service date
Nankivell Ronald Leslie CP 138 28/01/1970
Nankivell Thomas Henry L 75 17/05/1974
Nanscowen Mervyn Clarence R 84A 16/05/1974
Nash Stillborn DB 235 3/05/1982
Nass William Herman A 128 28/12/1881
Nation Herbert EE 554 21/03/1963
Naylor Rebecca Alice A 215 6/02/1884
Nearson John CC 279 6/09/1899
Neasey Andrew John BB 79A 25/08/1947
Nelson Joseph A 165 27/10/1880
Nelson Amy Jane BB 287 18/08/1931
Nelson Lucy BB 287 20/01/1934
Nelson Mary DD 210 8/08/1919
New Stillborn Baby DDX 30 3/09/1936
Newbury John Leslie DD 39 23/08/1910
Newlove Laurina Bessie CC 54 8/02/1891
Newman Frederick Henry NK 129 26/08/1977
Newman Marjorie Dulcie NK 129 5/10/1977
Newman Ethel Emily O 173 10/08/1925
Newman Robert James O 173 14/08/1945
Newman Rodney Damien DB 252 6/04/1983
Newman John Joseph CCX 146 7/09/1927
Newman Walter James EE 68 30/11/1948
Newman   M 3  
Nicholas Frederick Henry EE 534 20/12/1962
Nicholls Eileen Margaret NDB 371 30/06/1970
Nichols Eveline Mary A 90 10/09/1885
Nichols Richard James A 90 25/05/1883
Nichols Baby AA 108A 5/06/1929
Nicholson Mary B 78 17/11/1885
Nickel Herbert Henry EE 640 17/11/1965
Niemczyk Roman RR 341 18/10/1980
Nikitenko Paul EE 664 27/09/1971
Noble Alice Clare DD 16 21/06/1909
Nolan Arthur Leslie BB 251 15/09/1954
Nolan Lewis Joseph ND 128 20/01/1961
Nolan   N 37  
Nolan Edward NC 346 7/12/1979
Nolan John NC 346 21/02/1977
Noonan Alice Elizabeth AA 85 27/04/1928
Noonan Edward O 64 30/05/1914
Noonan Edward Christopher O 64 10/04/1936
Noonan Emily O 64 13/07/1951
Northan Teresa Margaret Grace Matilda NDB 48 19/08/2002
Northan Victor Palser NDB 48 20/05/1967
Norton Margaret DD 25 11/04/1912
Norton David George EE 184 6/12/1951
Nothers Philip CC 206 23/11/1896
Nugent James William BB 200 13/05/1937
Nugent William DD 69 11/06/1921
Nugent Christopher Joseph EE 331 16/04/1957
Nunn Julia Catherine BB 44 3/05/1943
Nunn Leslie Arthur BB 235 31/03/1937
Nunn Percival Roy EE 315 8/10/1956











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