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Reverend DD Notebook




13th July 1834 Eliza, daughter of John and Ann Bell, Carpenter of Cove Point Born 22nd June, 1832
10th August1834 Emma, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Glover, Farmer Bagdad Born 24th May 1834
9th November 1834 Celia Caroline, daughter of Edward and Sarah Chaplin, Farmer of Green Point.  Born 10th October, 1834.
22nd November 1834 Susanna Sarah, daughter of William and Ann Hutton, Victualer Brighton Born 16th October 1834.
10th May 1835 Rebecca, daughter of William and Mary Hurst of Green Point Born 11th September 1833
  Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Wm and Rhoda Gladman of Green Point Born 17th April 1833
  Thomas, son of the above Wm and Rhoda Gladman Born 17th April 1833
  Richard, son of Richard and Sarah Raynor of Green Point Born 2nd April 1835
9th August 1835 Mary Anne, daughter of William and Anne Coventry of Brighton, Farmer Born 5th July 1835
  John, son of James and Ellen Hannagan, Tea Tree Brush Born 8th April 1835
13th September 1835 Walter Charles, son of Richard and Elizabeth Lucas Born 5th June 1835
15th September 1835 Anne, daughter of John Bell and Ann, his wife Born 2nd February 1835
28th September, 1835 Mary Anne, daughter of James New and Maria Elizabeth, his wife Born 7th September 1835
27th December 1835 Ellen, daughter of Thomas and Ellen Crompton of the Black Brush Born 25th September
8th June 1836 Conducted by the Rev. Mr. Norman Elizabeth Belinda, daughter of William and Ann Coventry Agnes Jane, daughter of Jane Agnes Brown
  Charlotte, daughter of John and Mary Ann Harvey
28th January 1837 By Archdeacon Hutchins Sarah Ann, daughter of William and Rhoda Gladman
16th April 1837 William Henry Charles, son of James and Ellen Hanigan
  Emma, daughter of William and Elizabeth Picken
21st May 1837 By the Archdeacon of Bagdad All families of the Black Brush
  Alfred, son of Edward and Sarah Roach
  John James and Henry Hother
  2 sons of John and Eliza Blacklow
  George, son of James and Hannah Argent
24th July 1837 William Charles born 1 April 1835 and Edwin born 4 Feb 1837
  Sons of Alfred and Anne Luttrell of the Black Brush
12th November 1837 Edward William son of Edward and Mary Browne
16th November 1837 William Richard, son of William and Ann CoventryBorn 18th August 1837


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