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St Peters Church Oatlands

Plans for the church were drawn up by John Lee Archer and Robert De Little with construction beginning in 1838. with the stoneman being George Aitcheson.  The Rectory was built at the same time.  

Land for the building was donated by Thomas Anstey with the condition that the tower was visible from “Anstey Barton” and who was later responsible for obtaining the services of the Reverend George Morris for Oatlands. 

It was officially opened and dedicated by Bishop Nixon in 1844 although the church had been in use before this date. 

This church is well known for its amazing collection of tapestries, stitched over many years by members of the parish.

The Church has been restored in 1958 and at night is now floodlit.

A C H Cont M Cont S Cont
Cashion Gwendoline Maise Harris Isaac Cecil Mason Constance Sawford Henry John
Adams Elizabeth Catherine Cashion John Herbert Harris Mary Mason Henry Malcolm Sawford Kellie Jane
Adams John Riching Cashion Kathleen Claire Harris Richard Roger Mason Ivy Mary Sawford Peter John
Allen Alice Margaret Cashion Steven Edward Harris Thomas Matthews Denis Eric Sawford Raymond Hyland
Allen Arthur Daniel Cashion Terence Geoffrey Harrison Elizabeth May Rev Joseph Sawford Reginald William
Allen Charles Clark Alexander George Harrison Ellen Mayne A G Sawford Ruby M
Allen Douglas Roland Clark Martha Harrison Madeline Laura Mayne Helena Ruby Sawford Susan Lee
Allen Foncy Ellen Clarke Ada Sarah Julia Harrison Mary Mayne Keith C Sawford Sydney James
Allen Francis Roland Clarke Ernest Charles Harrison Robert Mayne Mary Ada Scott Charles
Amelia Taylor Clarke Maise Ella Harriss Irene Mayne Ronald Geoffrey Scott Rose Sarah
Anstey Thomas Clarke Nancy Florence Harriss Nancy Dawn Mayne William Shadwick Leila
Archer Albert Francis Clarke Rose Ida Harriss Noel Spencer McCauley Una Maud Shelvey Andrew Joseph
Archer Clive Lyndon Clarke Walter Joseph Hart Arthur McConnon Ellen Mary Shelvey Andrew
Archer Myra Grace Claydon Thomas & Robert Hart Christina Elizabeth McDermott Celia Smith Cherie Gordon
Armstrong Margaret Elizabeth Clifton Darren Hart Clyde Charles McDermott F W Smith Cyril
Arnold Helen Colgrave Francis James Hart Emily Harriett McGee Charles Smith Elizabeth
  Colgrave Lorna Nancy Hayden Lucy McGlone Cecily Smith Ellen
B Collins Emma Hayden Thomas James McGowan Frances A Smith Emily Jane
Bailey Alice Ann Collins John Headlam Allan Slade Medhurst Phyllis Faye Smith Ernest John
Bailey Charles John Coombes Charles Albert Headlam Anthony Richard Millar Leanne Grace Smith Ethel 2
Bailey Jane Cooper Ernest John Headlam Beatrice Eleanor Miller Desmond Charles Smith Ethel
Bailey John Cecil Coppleman Sylvia Headlam Charles Mitchell Jean Smith George 2
Bailey Larry Corey Lucy Arden Headlam Charles Leonard Mitchell Kate Reidey Smith George T
Bailey Maud Cornish Geoffrey Charles Headlam Christine Watson Mitchell Milescent Elizabeth Smith George
Bailey Ruby Annie Cornish Sydney Headlam Clifton John Mitchell William Fielder 2 Smith Gwendoline Betty
Bailey Ruby Emmeline Cornish Winifred Headlam Doreen Wilson Mitchell William Fielder  Smith James
Bailey Sydney Richard Cottrell William Oster Headlam Doris Monks Sarah Eliza Smith John Emanuel
Barwick Amy Evelyn Cowell Hubert John Headlam Ellen Carlotta Montressor Charles Stuart Smith John
Barwick Andrew Joseph Cowell Marjorie Mary Headlam Emilie Patricia Moorhead Hercules B Smith Katherine M
Barwick Andrew Cox May Isabel Headlam Emily Morrison Charlette Frances Smith Michael
Barwick Ann S Craig  Leslie C Headlam Frances Annie Morrison Cicely Thomasine Smith Norman Thomas
Barwick Arthur Craig Charles William Headlam Hilda Mary Mortyn Mary E Smith Reginald H
Barwick Brian Mitchell Craig Harry W Headlam John Mortyn The Revd S M Smith Sydney John
Barwick Caroline 2 Craig Kate Isabel Headlam Kathleen Marie Munnings Ellie Smith William
Barwick Caroline Headlam Malcolm Munnings George 2 Solman Jacouelyn Maree
Barwick Charles William D Headlam Margaret Wilson Munnings George Spencer Robert
Barwick Conatance L H Dando  Sarah Hopwood Headlam Mary Munnings Mary Stacey Anne Whitney
Barwick David Lewis Dando Emma Louisa Headlam Muriel Munnings Ronald Keith Stansfield John Unknown
Barwick Don Dando Fred Reginald Headlam Percival C   Stewart Cyril Keneth
Barwick Edward Joseph Dando Fred Headlam Percival Colin N Street Michael Geoffery
Barwick Edward Dando Laurence Edward Headlam Queenie Margaret Nelson  Harry Stubbs Mary Eva
Barwick Elizabeth 2 Dando Lionel Headlam Roy Raymond Nelson  Mary Sturgeon Emily
Barwick Elizabeth Dando Mary Rose Headlam Roy Raymond Nelson  William Sturgeon Francis Joseph
Barwick Ella Jessie Dando Vivian Osmund Headlam Rupert John Nelson Clement Beaconsfield Sturgeon George  2
Barwick Emily Daniels Edward John Headlam Rupert William Nettlefold Arthur George Sturgeon George
Barwick Eric Henry Davidson John Headlam Tasman Hugh Nettlefold Arthur William Sturgeon George Cross
Barwick Ernest A Davidson Marianne Letitia Healey Unknown Nettlefold David Lewis Sturgeon George Francis
Barwick Ernest Rex Davis Barbara Higgins Nettlefold George Richard Sturgeon Henry
Barwick Fanny Davis Beverley June Holbing Frank Nettlefold George Sturgeon Maurice George
Barwick Frances Amelia Davis Colin George Holbing Frank Nettlefold John Dallas Sturgeon Richard
Barwick Frederick J E Davis Daphne Holland James Avon Nettlefold Mary Anne  
Barwick Hazel Ruth Davis Eliza H Holliday Harriett Adelaide Nettlefold Rose Sarah 2 T
Barwick Jane 2 Davis Frances Heather Hood Annie Edith Nettlefold Rose Sarah Tanner Ida Isabe
Barwick Jane Davis Gordon Geoffrey Hood Robin Nettlefold Rupert Charles Targett Lavinia Jane
Barwick John Lewis Davis Harold Horne Charles Edward Nettlefold Sydney Charles Taylor Jodie Louisa
Barwick John Davis Ivy May Horne Linda Evelyn Nettlefold Thomas 2 Thomas Clifford T
Barwick Joseph 2 Davis Mervyn E Horne Rita May Nettlefold Thomas Ernest Thomas Harriet
Barwick Joseph 3 Denne Phyllis Christina Horne Victoria May Nettlefold Thomas Thomas Ian
Barwick Joseph 4 Dent Raynor William Howard Noel Keith Nillsen Madeline Thomas Isabel Anora
Barwick Joseph Edward Dolan Vivian Howell Jessie Isabel Norris Roseanne Helen Thomas Madge Edith
Barwick Joseph Donnelly Allan Royce Hurd  Louisa   Thomas Maude Elizabeth
Barwick Louis T Donnelly R A Hurd James J O Thomas Raymond Wilfred
Barwick Mary Ann 2 Doughty Julia Capper Hyatt Eric Arthur O'Connor Stephen Darcy Thomas Ruby Joyce
Barwick Mary Ann Drable Charles Hyland Cecilia Amy O'May Frances Isobel Thomas Thornton Mansfield
Barwick Mary Eliza Dransfield Richard Jack Hyland Jane Elizabeth   Thomas William Arnold
Barwick Mary Jane Dransfield Ruby Beatrice Hyland Jean Alexandra May P Thomas William Merrydale
Barwick Mary   Hyland John E Page Ellen Alma Thomas William Thomas
Barwick Mervyn Norman E Hyland John Edward Page Eustace Anstey Thompson Charles William
Barwick Muriel Keitha Earley Elizabeth Hyland William Albert Page Gladys M Thompson Sarah Jane
Barwick Norman Thomas Earley John Thomas   Page Ivo Travers Ada
Barwick Ralph Clyde Eyles Leonard Arthur I Palmer Albert Edward Travers Les
Barwick Richard Alfred Eyles May Iles Clarence Henry Palmer Albert Travers Malcom Vernon
Barwick Robert George Iles Clarence Palmer Alfred Tressillian Robert George
Barwick Stephen 2 F Iles Ruby Palmer Beatrice Mary Avis Triffitt Alice
Barwick Stephen Benjamin Farrow Asher Isles Gertrude Christina Palmer Catherine Triffitt Amy Ellen
Barwick Stephen Figg Albert Stanley Isles Margaret Ellen Palmer Dennis Findlay Triffitt Ida Jane
Barwick Thomas G Figg Bill Isles Sydney Henry Palmer Ernest Triffitt Maurice
Barwick Thomas Nichols Figg Christina Louisa   Palmer Florence M Turner Arthur Douglas
Barwick Thomas Figg Michael Stuart J Palmer Frederick William Turner Frederick
Bean Allan Ivan Figg Rex William Jillett  Amelia Mary Palmer Geoffrey William Turner Garnet Mervyn
Beard Angela Sarah Finn Andrew Jillett Albert Edward Palmer George Edmund Turner Harriett Elizabeth
Beard David James Finn Mollie Jillett Elizabeth Palmer Harriett Maria Turner Laurence
Beard Ernest Leslie Fish  Arthur Alfred Jillett Ellen Palmer Harriett Turner Malcom John Douglas
Beard Helen E Fish Catherine Jillett Elsie Beatrice Palmer Ida Maude Turner Maude
Beard Jesse Fish Chrissie Jillett Emma Louisa Palmer John Turner Percival
Beard John Henry Fish Dale Francis Jillett Frank Powell Palmer Maria Turner Sandra Leanne
Beard Mary Fish Ellen Jillett John Palmer L  
Bennett Harriet Phyllis Maud Fish Fay Sherrin Jillett Louisa Susannah Palmer Marilyn Lesley U
Bennett Robert Charles Fish George 1 Jillett Merion Evelyn Palmer Niel Edmund Undy Myrtle Elizabeth Rose
Berry Ethel May Fish George 2 Jillett Robert Palmer Pearl Unknown Albert
Birchenough Philip Samuel  Fish George Jillett Thomas  2 Palmer Peter Unknown Charles William
Bishop C E Fish Isaiah Jillett Thomas  3 Palmer Sarah Unknown Eliza Mary
Bishop Edmund Fish Mary Ann 2 Jillett Thomas Palmer Tameika Lee Unknown Elizabeth
Bishop Elizabeth Fish Mary Ann Johnson Amy Emily Palmer Thomas 2 Unknown Gertrude Elizabeth
Bishop Florence Fish Maurice Johnson Charles Palmer Thomas Unknown Jane
Bishop H E Fish Oatlands Frank Johnson Ida Eileen Palmer Trevor Moore Unknown Lewis Andrew
Bishop Isabelle Fish Pearl Edith Johnson Ivy Palmer Violet May Unknown Maxwell
Blake C T Fish Sarah Ann 2 Johnson Joseph Park Dr Frederick John Unknown Thomas Joseph
Blake Charles Isaac Fish Sarah Johnson Lawrence Parker Edward Unknown William Henry
Blake Rose Lavinia Fish Vida Johnson Louisa May Parnell Lucy Unknown William Thomas
Blindell A T Fish Walter W Johnson Malcom Vernon Parnell Robert 2 Unsworth Charles James
Bowerman Amy Evelyn Fish Walter Johnson Rosemary Anne Parnell Robert Unsworth Edith Jane
Bowerman Dennis John Fisher Amy Johnson Samuel James Pearce Joseph Unsworth George Henry
Bowerman Jessie Vera Fisher Archer J Johnson Teresa Pickett Alfred Arthur Unsworth Isabell Lucy
Bowerman Noel Cyril Fisher Arthur J Jones Alfred Harold Pickett C V Unsworth James Charles
Bowerman Phillip Fisher Arthur Reginald Jones Allan Pickett Gertrude F Unsworth James
Bowerman Phyllis Dawn Fisher Arthur Jones Amy E Pickett Hetty Unsworth Jane Eliza
Bowerman Reginald W Fisher Celia Grace Jones Amy Myra Pickett Sarah Ann Elizabeth Unsworth Nolene Gaye
Bowerman Walter Robert Fisher Colin Jones Anne Pickett Susan Unsworth Ruby Eileen
Bradley Ruby Fisher Donald Philip Jones Benjamin Charles Pickett Unknown Upchurch James William
Bradshaw Harold George Fisher Ida H Jones Charles James Pickett William Thomas Upchurch Ralph
Bradshaw Nancy Victoria Fisher James Exton Jones Dorothy May Pool Lucy Clara W
Brain Nellie Alice Fisher Mary Jones Elizabeth Emily Potter Harry Wagner Austin Robert
Branch Lesley May Fisher Mary Jones Elizabeth Powell Clarice Amy Wagner Doreen
Brooks Dorothy May Fleming Anna Jones Elsie Mary Powell James Charles Wagner Kate
Brooks Malcom David Fleming Charles Jones Emily Florence Powell Joseph Thomas Wagner Leonard Reginald
Brooks Tasman Arthur Fleming Eliza Jones Eric David Powell Roy Wagner Mary
Brown Ada Caroline Fleming Herbert Jones Esther Powell T E Watson John George
Brown Benjamin Fleming Richard Jones Francis T John Powell T W Webberley Kathryn Claire
Brown Bradley Flemming Lavinia Jane Jones Frederick George Priest John Hamilton Unknown Webster Evelyn Alice
Brown Charles Ford Eunice Lima Jones Harriette   Webster Ida Mary
Brown Clarence R Ford Walter Luke Jones Isabelle Constance R Webster Ronald James
Brown Jean Gladys Franklin Mabel Louisa Jones James Radford Jacob Webster William Allan
Brown Leonard Thomas   Jones Jane Rainsford Amy Margaret Westell William
Brown Nell Gwyne G Jones Joan Rainsford Edith May Whitney Norma Isabel
Brown Ruby Kathleen Gard William Jones John James Rainsford Edward Whitney Ronald Alcie Kele
Budge Edward John Garwood Elsie Jones L R J Rainsford Florence Isabel Wickham Clive Richard
Bumford Edith Cavell Garwood Mary Jones Lina Robertha Rainsford Henry George Wickham Dorothy Grace
Bumford Leonard W Geard Ashton Samuel Jesse Jones Lionel John Rainsford Phyllis Z Wickham Edward
Bumford William Henry Geard Ashton Samuel Jones M L Rayner Clem Wickham Eric
Burbury Frederick Malcolm Geard Clara Lydia Jones Mabel Evelyn Reid Emma Sara Jane Wickham Isabel Mary
Burbury John Vaughan Geard Lodwyck Alfred Jones Oscar Charles Reid Lucy Georgina Jane Wickham James
Burbury Keitha Frances Geard Roy Jones Percy Henry Renault Molly Jean Wickham Joan Elizabeth
Burbury Lily Erica Geard Samuel Jones Philip Murray 2 Reynolds David W Wickham Lawrence Murray
Burbury Mark Vaughan Geard Thelma May Jones Rex Arnold Reynolds Marie Elizabeth Wickham Lyndon Eric
Burbury Vernon Gellie Helen Frances Jones Richard Alfred Reynolds Michael Wickham Richard
Burns John Roland Glover Ismay Gertrude Jones Royal Samuel Richards Carleen M Wickham Susan
Burns Joshua Christopher Glover Margaret E Jones Ruth Grace Richards Cyril Kenneth George Wickham Thomas
Burns Kathleen Anne Glover Mervyn John Jones Sarah Ann Frances Richards George E Wickham
Burns Rachael Anne Golder Elizabeth Jones Sarah Richards John Stanley Wiggins Alma Sawford
Burrill Annie Goldsmith Mary Ann Jones Stuart Philip Richards K E Wiggins Kevin Walter
Burrill Arthur Goss Donald Maxwell Jones Susan Rebecca Richards Myrtle Ivy Wiggins Raymond Joseph
Burrill Barbara Caroline Green Arthur Edward Jones Thomas Alfred Richards Rose Wiggins Rose Sarah
Burrill Eva Green Douglas Jude Ann Richards Wanda June Wiggins Stanley Joseph
Burrill James Green Lance Raymond   Ritchie Emma E Wighton Arthur
Burrell Jane Green Marjorie K Roger Louisa Wighton Daphne May
Burrill Jim Green Shaun Raymond Kay Arthur Henry Rogers Clement Henry Wighton Judith Anne
Bush Alma Louise Gregg Alice Kay Emily Etta Rubens Jane Wighton May
Byers H Gregg Donald Ross Kirby Flora Elizabeth Rust Amy Isabel Wighton Raymond Arthur
Gregg Elizabeth Jane   Rust Walter J C Wighton Rose James
C Gregg Hilda B L   Willatt Nathaniel
Campbell G C l Gregg James Samuel Laurence Dorothy Jessie S Willoughby Horace Stanley
Cane Ellen Gregg Margaret Rigaud Lavelle Eileen Minnie Salmon Marjory Edith Wilson Hilda Irene
Cantwell  Jessie 2 Gregg Noel Barbara Lavelle Ernest William Henry Salmon Mary Wilson Ronald David
Cantwell Charles Gregg Rupert Thomas Lee Arthur James Salmon William Winspear Amanda Jane
Cantwell Eric Gurpaidge William Lloyd Louie Sanderson  William Winspear Basil Owen
Cantwell Esric Wallace Guthrie Stella Minna Lloyd Rebecca Sanderson Ann Winspear Kathleen Elizabeth
Cantwell Jessie Caroline 2 Gutteridge Unknown Lloyd Will Sanderson Edward Frances Winspear Vera Florence
Cantwell Jessie Caroline   Lloyd William Sanderson Virtue Maria Woodward Dulcie Christina
Cantwell Jessie   Long Charles Sanderson William Woodward Kenneth Charles
Cantwell Lenora Isabel H Lord Isobel Saunders Ailiff Basil Wrigley Dulcie Elizabeth
Cantwell Lenora Hales Mavis Elaine Luck Ada Saunders Alma Louise  
Carnes Arthur Donald Hales Colin Terrence Lyall John Campbell Sawford  William Y
Carnes Edith Ida Hall Alfred Joseph 2 Lyall Katherine Maria Sawford Alice Maud Young Bernard Joseph
Carnes Emily louisa Hall Alfred Joseph Lyne Fanny Lavina Queenie Sawford Andrew David Young Douglas Ralph
Carnes Louis William Hall Allen Edward Lyne Jessie Helen Sawford Arthur George Young Edna Jane
Carnes Margaret Hall Edward   Sawford Bertie George Young Elizabeth Ida
Carnes Thomas Edward Hall Harry Coverdale M Sawford Cecilia Young George
Carnes William Alfred Hall Katie Christina Maher  Dennis Sawford Charles Horace Young Gerald Thomas
Carter Cis Hall Sylvia Edna Maher Catherine Sawford Elsie May Young Graeme Noel
Cartledge Catherine Hall Valerie Alice Maher Dennis Sawford Evelyn Maud Young Jack
Harding Edwin Maher Gwendoline Sawford George Arthur Young Morris
Harper Henry Mann William   Young Phyllis Marguerita
Harper Jimmy Mansfield Rupert   Young Simon Peter
  Harper Lucy      
  Harris Gladys Mary     Z
        Ziegeler Phyllis May


Many Thanks to Lyn Carruthers for the following information

Geard A S J 

WW1 - SERVICE RECORD Ashton Samuel Jesse GEARD Regimental number 37219 Place of birth New Norfolk Tasmania Religion Church of England Occupation Farmer  Address Ceres, Mount Seymour, Tasmania Marital status Single Age at embarkation 20

Next of kin Father, Samuel Geard, Ceres, Mount Seymour, Tasmania Enlistment date 17 January 1917 Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll 16 January 1917 Rank on enlistment Gunner Unit name Field Artillery Brigade, Reinforcement 29 AWM Embarkation Roll number 13/128/2 Embarkation details Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board A15 Port Sydney on 9 November 1917 Rank from Nominal Roll Gunner Unit from Nominal Roll 3rd Field Artillery Brigade Fate Returned to Australia 6 September 1919 Miscellaneous information from cemetery records Plaque in Hobart Garden of Remembrance Other details  War service: Western Front

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal Date of death 5 May 1979 Age at death 81 Place of burial St Peter's Anglican Churchyard, Oatlands, Tasmania

Many thanks to Ray Sawford for the photo for Sawford Raymond Hyland to be included on the website.




Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

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